Drikung Kagyu Gangri Chagchen Dargye Ling - Kailash, the place where Mahamudra blossoms

The Milarepa Retreat Center was inaugurated and blessed under this name in 2012. In just a few years, the old farmstead with its seven buildings has become the main site of the Drikung Kagyu tradition in Europe. His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Thinley Lhundub and His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche are the patrons and spiritual leaders of the center.

Courses, empowerments, retreats and drubchens are held regularly. A separate area with retreat rooms and a small temple allows for the traditional three-year retreat. Last year, for the third time in a row, a group of 6 retreatants were admitted, supervised by Drubpon Rachel Dodds.

It is possible to conduct a personal retreat at the Milarepa Retreat Center, if desired, also supported by our Drubpon Rachel Dodds.

⇒ Click here to visit the website of the Milarepa Retreat Center